We create atmosphere for art and entertainment!

Triangles - ITU Gala

# type: Theatre lecture
# location: Müpa - Budapest, HU

Our client wanted to bring a spectacular show for the ITU event series and entrusted us with producing large size triangles as part of the set. The triangles required a perfect composition whilst floating in the air.


MÜPA, not being a theatre in the classic sense, has only a handful of clamps for fixing the set. The triangles therefore could not be secured where they were originally planned.


To ensure perfect positioning, we used spacers at the cranes above the triangles so to extend the 5 meter-wide, non-printed PVC canvas material. We paid extra attention to make sure the materials would be tight and flawlessly stretched out.

► The project takes place in Müpa Budapest

Müpa Budapest is one of Hungary's best-known cultural brands and one of the most modern cultural institutions, bringing together different artistic disciplines in a unique way: it is home to classical, contemporary, light, jazz and world music, opera, new circus, dance, literature and film.

Address: 1095 Budapest, Komor Marcell u. 1.

Source: Müpa Budapest official website.

Theatre and stage technology reference | Hungary

Project categories
Theatre play
Triangles - ITU Gala 1
Triangles - ITU Gala 2
Triangles - ITU Gala 3
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