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UEFA Euro 2020 fan zone in MOM Sport Garden

# type: Festival
# location: MOM Sport Uszoda és Sportközpont - Budapest, HU
# partner: MOM Sport Uszoda és Sportközpont

We were tasked by our client with the installation of a gigantic LED screen in MOM Sport Garden (MOM Beach) to entertain fans of the 2020 UEFA European Football Championship during the tournament.


Nothing hindered us in starting the project since we were familiar with the location and had a smooth-flowing planning phase and communication.

Owing to the local conditions – the fact that only a small percentage of the location is covered –, it was important to have the LED video wall set up in a relatively protected spot.

Moreover, the layout of benches and tables was also a given in order to keep the potential number of guests as high as practically possible. Another factor determining the project was the screen to be well visible even from the farthest point – let alone the strict safety measures pertaining to the installation of the screen.


To live up to all the expectations and comply with every condition, we installed a weatherproof, 21 square meter LED screen of *P5.95 resolution.

We built the support structure pursuant to unique parameters even in this project, conforming to security technology measures in every detail.

Its operation did not necessitate technically trained staff.

► Project location: the MOM Sports Swimming Pool and Sports Centre

Address: 1123 Budapest, Csörsz u. 14-16.

*P value (pixel distance): The LED modules are made with light-weight diodes, spaced 1.8 to 10 mm apart. The P value represents the relative value of the diodes, expressed in millimetres both in the vertical and the horizontal direction.

Project categories
Sport festival
Technological elements of the project
LED video wallLED poster display
UEFA Euro 2020 fan zone in MOM Sport Garden 1
UEFA Euro 2020 fan zone in MOM Sport Garden 2
UEFA Euro 2020 fan zone in MOM Sport Garden 3
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