We create atmosphere for art and entertainment!

HB Studio - Greenbox / Bluebox studio creation

# type: Filming
# location: Budapest, HU
# partner: Alphaville Consulting Kft.

The aim was the creation of a greenbox / bluebox studio with a semicircle horizon.


Due to the semicircle design of the horizon, the material needed to be stretched out in a curved shape, which called for careful planning and special, unique execution.


In order to be able to stretch out the material in a perfectly wrinkle-free way, we manufactured a pair of curved upper and lower rails and successfully installed the 35m x 7,4m Television CS material, sewn and customized in our own tailor workshop, onto the rails with the help of bungee cords - all without a single crease!

► Project location: HB Studio / The Snow Queen animated feature film Address: 1097 Budapest, Soroksári út 122.

► Type: horizon curtain materials around, bluebox-greenbox Description of material: Television CS

Greenbox / bluebox studio reference | Hungary

Project categories
TV studio
HB Studio - Greenbox / Bluebox studio creation 1
HB Studio - Greenbox / Bluebox studio creation 2
HB Studio - Greenbox / Bluebox studio creation 3
HB Studio - Greenbox / Bluebox studio creation 4
HB Studio - Greenbox / Bluebox studio creation 5
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