Veszprém Arena - Installation of outdoor mobile LED scoreboard system and perimeter
Telekom Veszprém Arena is Hungary’s second largest sports and events hall in the countryside. The most successful Hungarian handball team, Telekom Veszprém plays here.
We were asked to install a 4x12 square meter scoreboard and an LED perimeter of 80 running meters in the hall.
The middle panel of the scoreboard is intended to be used outside the Arena as well. It was essential for the solution to include a wholly mobile scoreboard. This is the only such mobile scoreboard in Hungary.
► We have installed a 4x12 square meter, waterproof YuChip Lighting LED scoreboard, with *P4.8 resolution using **SMD technology fit for outdoor use. The board is not installed in a fixed position but is mobile and is therefore dismountable and portable.
It will be used primarily in the summer season for events outside the Arena.
► The YuChip Lighting LED perimeter with *P8 resolution, using **SMD technology serves as a display panel for sponsors and advertisements; it can be propped up and it is highly impact-resistant, thus the system can be safely operated during gameplay.
► Project location: the Veszprém Arena
Veszprém Arena is the fourth largest sports and event hall in Hungary.
Address: 8200 Veszprém, Külső-kádártai út 5.
Sports arena reference | Hungary
*P value (pixel distance): The LED modules are made with light-weight diodes, spaced 1.8 to 10 mm apart. The P value represents the relative value of the diodes, expressed in millimetres both in the vertical and the horizontal direction.
**SMD: The new-generation, recessed, cube-shaped LEDs are durable, highly visible from a distance, and provide a more enjoyable visual experience.
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Project details