We create atmosphere for art and entertainment!


The site is hosted by: GÉPBÉR-Színpad Szolgáltató Korlátolt Felelősségű Társaság

The operator is headquartered: 1048 Budapest Tenkefürdő utca 5.

Telephone contact of the operator: +36 70 511 4701

Email contact of the operator: gepberszinpad@gepberszinpad.hu

Company registration number: 01-09-433325

Tax number: 24184100-2-41

EU VAT number: HU24184100

Our recent projects
Design and installation of an LED video wall and PA sound system for BEACH ARENA CSOPAK

We designed an LED video wall and sound system with all the necessary accessories for the newly constructed BEACH ARENA CSOPAK – the largest beach sports centre at Lake Balaton. The client's concept was to set up an LED video wall that could be se...

Project details
Design and Installation of LED Video Wall and Control System for the Septimia Sport Klub Bowling Alley

In Odorheiu Secuiesc, in Septimia Resort, located next to the Szejke Stream, the idea of Septimia Sport Klub Bowling Egyesület was to install an LED video wall at the end of the bowling alley, so that the content can be displayed on it as desired. ...

Project details