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New LED scoreboard in the Szusza Ferenc Stadium

# type: Sport event
# location: Szusza Ferenc stadion - Budapest, HU
# partner: Újpest FC

Our partner asked for a replacement LED scoreboard; one which would tackle sports technology challenges more quickly and effortlessly, ensuring the latest technology as well as the best possible resolution.

The need also arose for an LED perimeter – as usual in sports events.


Since we have worked with Szusza Ferenc Stadium – the football stadium of Újpest FC – before, we were familiar with the location and the circumstances, leaving relatively few local factors unbeknownst to us.

On matches of the national cup, even the standards of UEFA have to be met which are fairly diverse pertaining both technical equipment to be implemented as well as its systems engineering requirements.


► Considering all the above as well as the strict safety rules of the outdoor setup, the brand new scoreboard – an LedSmart Super Power Color Q6.6 type, 30 square meter RGB *SMD technology LED scoreboard with *P6.6 resolution and an aspect ratio of 16:9 – made its debut on a match day of the national cup.

► We also provided additional LED service to the UEFA cup event: Alongside, we successfully established and installed a *P5.95 LED perimeter in the length of 260 meters without a single glitch.

We also provided technically trained staff for its operation.

► Project location: Szusza Ferenc Stadium

The Stadium! - The first stadium in Hungary to be given this name.

The Szusza Ferenc Stadium (formerly Megyeri úti stadion or simply Megyeri út) is the football stadium of Újpest FC in Újpest, in the 4th district of Budapest.

The original stadium was designed by Alfréd Hajós, the first Hungarian Olympic champion. The stadium opened its doors on 17 September 1922. 2 years later, the stadium design won an award in the Olympic architecture category in Paris. The current capacity is 13 501 people.

In 2003, the stadium was named after the former great footballer Ferenc Szusza, one of the greatest Hungarian strikers of all time.

Source: Wikipedia

Sports club reference | Hungary

*P value (pixel distance): The LED modules are made with light-weight diodes, spaced 1.8 to 10 mm apart. The P value represents the relative value of the diodes, expressed in millimetres both in the vertical and the horizontal direction.

**SMD: The new-generation, recessed, cube-shaped LEDs are durable, highly visible from a distance, and provide a more enjoyable visual experience.

Project categories
Sport match
Technological elements of the project
LED scoreboardLED perimeter
New LED scoreboard in the Szusza Ferenc Stadium 1
New LED scoreboard in the Szusza Ferenc Stadium 2
New LED scoreboard in the Szusza Ferenc Stadium 3
New LED scoreboard in the Szusza Ferenc Stadium 4
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