Media Markt / Installation of a Flexible LED Video Wall
The Media Markt store located in Westend Shopping Centre wanted to install an LED video wall in place of the old signboards.
This was the first domestic Media Markt store to use a more eye-catching solution instead of lighting panels.
The customer did not have a specific plan, they only knew that they wanted to have an innovative interface in the shop where they could continuously communicate product information.
The best solution was the LED video wall, however, it had to be placed on a curved surface.
The assembly was preceded by surveys, joint discussions and consultations.
The LED video wall installed is flexible so that it follows the arc of the portal perfectly. The YuChip Lighting LED video wall with *P4 resolution, using **SMD technology has a total area of 25 square meters, and consists of 3 units. Two 4 square meter and one 17 square meter surface fit together.
► Project location: Media Markt / Westend
Address: 1062 Budapest, Váci út 3.
Shopping Mall | Reference | Hungary
*P value (pixel distance): The LED modules are made with light-weight diodes, spaced 1.8 to 10 mm apart. The P value represents the relative value of the diodes, expressed in millimetres both in the vertical and the horizontal direction.
**SMD: The new-generation, recessed, cube-shaped LEDs are durable, highly visible from a distance, and provide a more enjoyable visual experience.

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