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SEPSI OSK Stadion / Design and Construction of Heated Subs’ Benches with Sport Seats, Audience Seat Installation

# type: Sport event
# location: Sepsi OSK Aréna - Sepsiszentgyörgy, RO

We undertook the installation and covering of uniquely designed and produced heated subs’ benches with sport seats, as well as the construction of audience seats and armchairs in the VIP boxes of the newly built Sfântu Gheorghe Stadium with 8500 seats and on 3 levels.


During the design phase we had to take into account that the stadium is divided into zones in accordance with UEFA and FIFA rules.

The placement of the audience seats had to be planned in a way that would – with the arrangement of their white and red colours – spell the text requested by the client, i.e. the name of the stadium.

Furthermore, we also had to take into account the need for the subs’ benches to be mobile, with a defined number of heated sport seats per unit, protecting the players against the elements.


► During construction a total of 8,295 Avatar seats were installed, as well as another 156 BACO VIP armchairs in the VIP boxes.

► To the edges of the playing field we placed 50 custom crafted, heated subs’ benches with logos, with covers per 10 units.

Other SEPSI OSK Stadium projects you can read about below in the project description: Audio-visual and digital signage system, LED scoreboard and LED perimeter system, Broadcast system

► Project location: Sepsi OSK Arena

Sepsi OSK Arena is a UEFA four-star football stadium, which hosts matches of Sepsi OSK SC.

Source: Wikipedia

Sports arena reference | Romania

► Photos courtesy of SEPSI OSK.

Project categories
Technological elements of the project
Sport Seats / Substitutes’ benches
SEPSI OSK Stadion / Design and Construction of Heated Subs’ Benches with Sport Seats, Audience Seat Installation 1
SEPSI OSK Stadion / Design and Construction of Heated Subs’ Benches with Sport Seats, Audience Seat Installation 2
SEPSI OSK Stadion / Design and Construction of Heated Subs’ Benches with Sport Seats, Audience Seat Installation 3
SEPSI OSK Stadion / Design and Construction of Heated Subs’ Benches with Sport Seats, Audience Seat Installation 4
SEPSI OSK Stadion / Design and Construction of Heated Subs’ Benches with Sport Seats, Audience Seat Installation 5
SEPSI OSK Stadion / Design and Construction of Heated Subs’ Benches with Sport Seats, Audience Seat Installation 6
SEPSI OSK Stadion / Design and Construction of Heated Subs’ Benches with Sport Seats, Audience Seat Installation 7
SEPSI OSK Stadion / Design and Construction of Heated Subs’ Benches with Sport Seats, Audience Seat Installation 8
SEPSI OSK Stadion / Design and Construction of Heated Subs’ Benches with Sport Seats, Audience Seat Installation 9
SEPSI OSK Stadion / Design and Construction of Heated Subs’ Benches with Sport Seats, Audience Seat Installation 10
SEPSI OSK Stadion / Design and Construction of Heated Subs’ Benches with Sport Seats, Audience Seat Installation 11
SEPSI OSK Stadion / Design and Construction of Heated Subs’ Benches with Sport Seats, Audience Seat Installation 12
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