FINA 2022 – LED scoreboard and LED perimeter systems for water polo events of the World Aquatics Championships
The 2022 World Aquatics Championships were held between the 17th of June and the 3rd of July, organized by the International Swimming Federation (FINA) and the Hungarian Swimming Federation in Budapest, Debrecen, Sopron and Szeged.
In three of the four venues, the Debrecen Swimming Complex, the new Lővér Swimming Complex and the Tiszavirág Swimming Centre. We were responsible for the installation and operation of LED scoreboards and LED perimeters at the water polo events of the World Aquatics Championships.
The tools used mostly during live broadcasts have been subjected to several hours of testing every day throughout the duration of the competition to exclude accidental malfunctions.
It was of utmost importance for these sub-systems to be able to work both in harmony with as well as independently from each other. Their application should complement the sporting experience well for the audience.
► We set up a 30-meter-long, 96-centimeter high LED perimeter on the longitudinal side of the pool per location.
► In addition, we installed a total of 81 square meters of LED displays at each location, used for presenting the results and the contestants.
The LED scoreboard system consisted of two parts, connected to each other: A 23 meter x 3 meter LED video wall and a 4 meter x 3 meter LED video wall.
During the FINA 2022 World Championships, the operation was managed by our lead technicians at all three locations.
LED scoreboard and LED perimeter reference | Hungary

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